Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Energy Medicine and Energy Healing

Hi Everyone,

I hope you're all doing well out there.  I'm just fine here in Phoenix.  Enjoying the change of seasons.

I hosted a Reiki/Energy Share last night with a friend, at her shop.  It was a nice little share and we did some amazing sessions on each other.  We split up into groups (depending how many people participate), and share energy medicine/healing with each other.  It's so amazing, and feels so good.  People with almost always go home feeling wonderful.  It's a chance to share with others and receive this gift as well.
Mikao Usui - artwork by Tom Kreienbrink
So what is this, and how does it work?  First, remember that at the most basic level, everything is energy (and mostly space).  Items that appear solid are slower, denser energy, while light is a fast, high frequency energy.  The Chinese had the body's energy meridians mapped out thousands of years ago.  They referred to this life force energy in our bodies as Chi.  They found they could keep the energy flowing and have balance in their lives by keeping the energy flowing freely thru the meridians of the body.  Also - they found that when there was blockages or imbalance in any of the meridians, they could open or balance these and bring things back to normal.  They use acupuncture, acupressure, and other techniques to do this.
Gallbladder Energy Meridian - starts and 1 and ends at 44.
In the early 1900s Mikao Usui discovered/was given the energy healing modality, Reiki, in a vision while on a journey on Mount Kurama in Japan.  With Reiki, the person is attuned to symbols that are a focal point for energy delivery.  Reiki also taps into the universal life force energy and uses it to bring the person back to a place of harmony and balance.  Like Chinese medicine, it's not associated with any religious practice.  The universal life force energy is in and around us for use at any time.  People experience a wide variety of benefits from Reiki on all levels.  Pain relief and deep relaxation are very common.  One of my first clients was referred by a friend.  She had cancer and was flying back to Pennsylvania the following day.  She wanted to try Reiki to see if it would help.  A couple of weeks after the session, I found out that she had a nice flight back and felt unusually well for several days following.  Occasionally more dramatic healing experiences are reported.

One of my favorites is Cranial Sacral therapy.  It is an energy therapy that Dr. Jon Upledger studied and helped to bring to the mainstream.  It's a treatment that involves working with the body's own rhythms to help restore balance and vitality.  As the name suggests, a major part of this is working with the bones of the cranium, spine and sacrum while monitoring and working with the movement of the cerebrospinal fluid in the head and up and down the spine.  Another major part of this is fascial release; helping to release and open "stuck" areas of connective tissue in the body.  Part of why we need to release these areas of fascia (or connective tissue), is because stress, physical, mental, and emotional injury can manifest in our tissues as tightness, tension, stuck energy, and even disease.  We want to use these techniques to release that and again...restore the person to a state of balance and harmony - physically, mentally, emotionally.  It's very helpful for people who have experienced traumatic injuries, like veterans, or folks who have been abused or in serious accidents.
Foot reflexology chart showing areas of the feet and corresponding systems of the body
It is my belief that massage and reflexology are also forms of energy work.  Thru a more deep physical technique we are able to move the energies of stress and tension out of the muscles and help to keep or restore the client.  These modalities are much more physical, and feel fantastic.

Physical therapists in main stream medicine are now (and have been), using electronic devices to send energy deep into tissues to assist with healing.  Applying ultrasonic machines to send energy waves into soft tissue to heat them up, helps to enhance the body's healing.  You may have seen commercials for devices you can buy and use in your home, like the Willow Curve.  It's energy healing - but it uses electricity instead of the more natural techniques like Reiki or CranialSacral.

I hope you found this helpful and eye opening.  Energy healing modalities are good for you, can be relaxing and also assist you in deep healing.  The techniques I employ are of the highest vibration and not the work of any sinister being - they're also not a part of any religion or belief system.

I am a massage and holistic therapist in Phoenix, AZ.  I specialize in Therapeutic Massage, Cranial Sacral Therapy, Reiki Therapy, and Reflexology.

You can access my website at:  -- call, email, or text for an appointment.

Have a wonderful day.

