Thursday, May 26, 2016

Take Care of Yourself

Hi All,

I hope you're doing well and taking good care of yourself.  I'm working on it.  It's heating up here in Phoenix....summer's coming fast.  But really, it's always a good time to take care of ourselves, isn't it?

I know it can be a well worn topic, but it's always good to revisit it.  Are we taking good care of ourselves?  How do we do that?  So on a basic level, we're taught to have good hygiene, get some exercise, eat some good food and get a check-up every so often from your physician.  Right?  OK - we're done...have a good weekend.  Well...not so fast.  Perhaps there's more to add to all of that.  How do we ensure we have balance and wellness in our lives?

So where do we put ourselves in order of getting cared for by ourselves?  Do we always put others first?  Is it alright to put ourselves first?  Is that a selfish thing?   I would suggest that some of us may tend to take care of others first, and take the scraps that are left (usually not much if any), for ourselves.  Is that good?  Or - is it just being a martyr, when we really don't need to be one?

I like the analogy of being on an aircraft when the oxygen masks come down in an emergency.  The first thing we're told is that we have to put our mask on first, before we assist others around us.  In other words; its good to love and care for others that may depend on us for help, but if we're not taking care of ourselves properly, we may be setting ourselves up for a crash.

I would suggest - make time in your day for the things you need.  As I suggested before, at a basic survival level, good food, proper rest and exercise are essential for our health and well being.  More and more studies are coming out and more emphasis is being placed on getting 8 or more hours of sleep each night.  We need that re-charge....physically, mentally, emotionally.  I know some people only need 4 or 5 hours a night...but they are the rare exception.  Most of us function optimally on 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night.

Meditation or a power nap every day is also good for us.  It's good to take a period of time each day and slow down the mind, close your eyes, and enjoy a little break.  It can be a formal approach with music and a learned meditation technique, or just closing your eyes and "shutting er down" for 15 to 30 minutes before the afternoon or evening begins.  I try to get in an hour of meditation every day.  It feels so good to let go of the stress and pressures of daily life for a bit and enjoy some deep relaxation.  Its also good to help bring down stress levels in our lives and reduce blood pressure.  It can offer the body and mind a space to do some healing.

What are we feeding our spirits?  Do you have Spiritual beliefs?  Or do you consider it nonsense?  Do you go to church weekly, but maybe let it sit by the wayside during the week?  Having a spiritual practice can be nourishing to the Soul.  Most of us have had some kind of spiritual may be time to dust it off, or look around for a church, class, or Spiritual practice that fulfills you.

Of course, there's so many things we can do with self care.  Love yourself enough to offer yourself the gift of your time and $$.  Be good to yourself.  Do something good for yourself daily, like taking a walk, going for that ride on your motorcycle, getting a massage, or hitting that yoga class.  Do some deep breathing and get your head out of the job or routine for a bit.

One other thing - be kind to yourself.  How to you talk to yourself?  Do you beat yourself up about little things (or big things too)?  We're all doing the best we can with what we have.  We have our daily kind to yourself.  Treat yourself like you would treat a dear friend who's feeling down.  We all fall short once in a while - don't sweat it.  Don't dwell in the past...learn from it and enjoy the present moment.

This summer - put your oxygen mask on first...then of course, enjoy and love those around you too.  Be kind to's not selfish.  Take care of yourself and enjoy the summer.

Peace and Love,


Tom Kreienbrink
I'm a massage and holistic therapist located in Phoenix, AZ.
For more information go to:
have a blessed day.

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