Monday, December 26, 2011

Holiday Wishes - e-Christmas Cards

Hi Everyone,

Happy Holidays, whatever Holidays you celebrate.  Personally, I celebrate Christmas.  It's been a busy fall and start to Winter.  School's keeping me very busy, and the holidays are always a busy time around here too.

Today I thought I'd highlight some of my Christmas Cards that I've created in the past.  I've made many over the years, but I've got three here today.

2011 Holiday Card - digital art
The artwork above is the card I sent out this year even though it was really a last minute "throw together."  I came up with an idea, scanned in a pencil sketch and went to work.  I decided to have some fun with it...after all, it is Christmas.  I love using the program Painter, with my Wacom Tablet and Mac computer.  Most of the picture was "painted" with the chalk tool in Painter.  I wanted to have fun with a loose, fun, chalk or crayon type illustration.  When finished, I posted to Facebook and sent out to friends and family attached to an email as well.  I just don't send cards in the mail any more (judge me if you will, but that's a tradition I don't do).

2010 Card - digital art

The 2010 card was a little bit generic, but it also reflected our location and also the Christmas star, that led the Wise Men to Bethlehem.  We had moved to the desert last year from the East Coast of the US.  I love Christmas in the desert, reflected in the mountains and cactus with lights.  This one was more of a simple and clean design, produced on computer using Photoshop and sent out via email and social networking.

2009 Christmas Card - digital art
Finally, the 2009 Christmas Card.  This one started with a little more developed pencil sketch, painted with Wacom Tablet and Photoshop.  We were still in Washington DC, so I've got Santa on the White House roof top with monuments in the background, and the Star guiding to Baby Jesus in the manger.

This was fun and I put a little more detail into it than some of my cards.  I also created individualized cards with this theme for some colleagues at work and a few others.  I also sent it out in a wider distribution via electronic media.

I hope all of you are having a very happy and peace filled Holiday Season, whatever holidays you celebrate.  Merry Christmas and have a Joy filled 2012.


Tom Kreienbrink

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