Thursday, June 27, 2013

Late With the Birthday Card

Hi Everyone,

It's good to be back blogging again.  As I mentioned in my previous post, I now am doing two businesses; Art and Design and Holistic Therapy Solutions.  So I'll be blogging about topics related to both art and design, and holistic therapies and holistic lifestyle.

This time of year is always busy and hectic and many times important dates and events get by me.  I'm known to be late with birthday cards and least if it involves mailing them.

So per the usual, my Dad's birthday snuck up on me and I hadn't sent anything out.  So I thought it would be nice to do something custom for him.  One of the fun things I like to do now and then is to create a card.  It's fun, I can do it while relaxing, and I can create something with a little humor and a little bit of myself in it.

First, I got out the Bristol Board, pens and pencil and eraser.  The idea presented itself right away.  It's getting very hot, very early here in Phoenix this year and I wanted it to be a little bit of a spoof on the old postcards that would have a "Hi from Beautiful....," and a photo of the desirable destination on it.

The front of the card - drawn in ink on Bristol Board

After sizing the board and sitting down to draw, it was pretty easy and fun.  The idea is self explanatory, the place is very hot and dry looking - not the place you want to spend a vacation.  I sat down with pencil and sketched it out, then inked it in.  Of course, there's the birthday wish inside and a blank place to sign the card.

Of course, the inside; with the Belated Birthday Greeting

And that's it.  Signed, packed it up with a little gift and sent it out.  Since then I thought about marketing  cards.  I may do a regional or topical series of cards, have them printed and market them on-line or in local shops. Hmmm??  More to come on that.

I hope things are going well out there and have a great week....stay cool,


Check out my websites and follow my two businesses on Facebook.

Holistic Therapy Solutions

Tom Kreienbrink Art and Design

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