Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Red, White, and Blue Friday

Hello Everyone,

I hope you're all having a good day.  The sun is shining here in Phoenix today - it's a pretty nice day here.  While at my desk working I thought I'd share about upcoming event that I'm fortunate to be a part of...Red, White, and Blue Friday.  Red, White, & Blue Friday is the day after Thanksgiving - the 27th of November this year.
Logo that I designed for the Red, White, and Blue Friday event
RWB Friday is going to be an event where Veterans can learn about and experience alternatives to mainstream medicine.  They'll be able to learn about holistic nutrition and alternative therapies, that can aid recovery from injuries on all levels.  We're hoping that this becomes an annual public service event.

Too many Veterans have been suffering from PTSD and various physical traumas, and their only option seems to be the local VA hospital or clinic, and many times a hand full of prescription medications.  Now, I'm not saying "western medicine" is bad.  What I'm offering is choice, and that some powerful healing solutions may lie outside of traditional medicine.

Plan now - the day after Thanksgiving is now Red, White, and Blue Friday

We'll be offering educational workshops about various therapies like CranioSacral, Hypnosis, Polarity, Reflexology, Reiki, Massage, Holistic Nutrition, and Herbal Remedies -- and more.  In these workshops Veterans can learn about these approaches and how these therapies may aid them on the road to recovery.

There will also be hands on therapy provided.  Holistic Therapy providers will be offering complementary short sessions to Vets - to allow them experience some of these therapies.  There will be a room of vendors as well; where contact can be made with holistic providers and vendors who will be offering products and services that may be of interest.

We're in the planning stages right now.  One of the local hypnotherapy professional groups is spearheading this effort and they're bringing others in to help as well, (like me).  I'm honored to be invited to assist with planning and carrying out this event.  There will also be refreshments, door prizes, and other giveaways.   It'll be a fun and informative day.  Vets - mark your calendars.

Folks - have a great day.  Spread a little kindness around today - not just to friends - but maybe to someone you don't know who needs it.

Peace and Love,


If you're in the Pheonix area and are interested in alternative therapies - call, text or email me.

Web: www.HolisticTherapySolutions.weebly.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/HolisticTherapySolutions

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Acupressure Point - GB 20

Hi All,

Hope you're all doing well.  I know many folks out there have had a pretty severe winter.  Hopefully Spring is going well for you.  It's pretty nice here in Phoenix, AZ....getting warm quickly.

I came across a little graphic and write up on facebook about an acupressure point - GB-20.  The write up talked about how applying pressure to GB-20 can be very helpful to your health.  When I saw this it brought a smile to my face.  I used to study Okinawan Kempo years ago and learned a very different use for GB-20.

Graphic showing the location GB-20, just below the Occiput (or base of the skull).
According to traditional Chinese medicine, you have several energy meridians.  These meridians have points along them, that are numbered.  These points are landmarks to be worked on with needles, like in acupuncture.  They can also be worked on with fingers, as you would in acupressure.  GB-20 is the 20th point along the Gallbladder Meridian (see illustrations).  It's at the base of the skull, approximately 4 finger widths apart.  There's a GB-20 on each side of the spine.  The meridians run down both the left and right side of the body - so there's two of each point.

GB-20 is also referred to as the "gates of consciousness."  Working these points can have some very profound health benefits.  You may find relief from headaches, tension, sinuses, neck pain, irritability and depression.  Working GB-20 is said to help harmonize the immune system and regulate circulation to the brain, and more.  I would think it's such a vital point because of it's location.

Graphic showing the Gallbladder Meridian.
How do you "work" GB-20?  Reach up and hold the top of your head, interlacing your fingers.  Your thumbs will point down.  Put your thumbs into GB-20, apply pressure and hold for 3-5 minutes while breathing deeply and slowly.  Do this 2-3 times daily. 

This is an excellent, easy way to practice self-care and hopefully find some very profound results.  Of course there are many points that you can work that help with many, many issues in the body.  There are books, classes, and info on-line as well, detailing acupressure and how to work with GB-20 and other points.  Check it out.

I hope you found this to be helpful.  Have a great day and enjoy.  Let's be kind to one another and help make this world just a little bit better.



Web: www.HolisticTherapySolutions.weebly.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/HolisticTherapySolutions

Friday, April 10, 2015

Medical Illustrations - from the archives

Hi All,

I hope all of you are doing well.  Things have been going well here in Arizona.  It's warming up - pretty soon it'll be summer.  Also - I want to say Hello to my new friends in Russia, who have been reading the blog.  The blog has been getting several views there and I hope you're enjoying it.

I'm very grateful to have two careers going right now.  I'm an holistic therapy practitioner and an artist/illustrator.  I've been focusing on the holistic therapy biz the last couple of years, but recently it's been nice to find illustration work coming my way again.  I'm really enjoying it.  I've just finished eight illustrations for a book and am in the process of producing three medical illustrations for an e-book.  More to come on those as they progress in the publication process.

Today I'd like to share some of my medical illustration work from the past.   For 10 years of my Air Force career, I worked in teaching hospitals as a medical illustrator.  Part of that involved having the ability to render anatomical illustrations to support teaching programs.

Computer painted illustration - part of a jaw transplant series (remove part of the illiac crest/hip bone to use in the jaw).
A lot of the work I did was to illustrate slides and later, electronic presentations that were used to teach.  Originally I used traditional media - colored pencil, pen and ink, pencil, and I learned to use an airbrush to produce artwork.  These pieces of art were then photographed with 35mm slide film for use in teaching presentations.

18x24 inch mixed media artwork - for display in Neurology Clinic and used as a reference.

Not long after starting work as medical illustrator, I started integrating a computer system into the workflow process.  I had a Macintosh computer with the proper software, digitizing tablet, and 35mm film recorder.

Computer painted illustration for electronic presentation - supporting the Dental Residency program
I produced a number of different types of products for the two hospitals I worked at.  I painted some murals, designed fliers for use in clinics, and made posters to display public information....I did whatever they needed, as the mission dictated - and it was a lot of fun.

Computer painted illustration - cross section of the forehead

Today, as I'm working on these illustrations depicting procedures to stimulate healing in a fractured talus (bone in the foot/ankle), I did some reminiscing about the old job, the work, and some of the amazing people I worked with.  It was really an enjoyable job and an incredible learning experience.

Have a great day - spread a little kindness around (even to people who you don't know).



On Line Portfolio:  www.Behance.net/tk-art
On Facebook:  www.facebook.com/pages/Tom-Kreienbrink-Art-and-Design