Hi All,
It's been a busy couple of weeks, but it's alright being busy sometimes too. The New Year is off to a pretty good start and I'm glad to get a chance to sit down and do a little writing. Recently I was involved in a situation with friends that revolved around a meeting place and time (I won't bore you with specifics). Like I said, we're friends and everyone was kind, loving and civil, but there was one thing that stood out: inflexibility. There were some "lines in the sand" drawn that really limited the outcome.
All of this reminded me of something from when I was in the Air Force. One of the Tenets of Airpower is, "Flexibility is the Key to Airpower." In an Airpower perspective, flight, agility and altitude, speed, the ability to fly anywhere in a short period of time, etc...all of these things allow the Air Force to act or react to situations in the world with great flexibility.
Pen and Ink illustration from my first duty station - 1365 AVS, Det 4
Altus AFB, Oklahoma. It's a drawing of a C-5 aircraft. |
Now that I've got your attention (or put you to sleep), you've probably figured out where I'm going with this. I've always liked using this saying seriously and also with a little tongue in cheek. It's simple with a deep and broad meaning. When I was an NCO and my troops were resistant to some direction or change that I was imposing on them, I'd quote this tenet. I'd also use it with my kids as they were growing up. OK - I admit that a big part of that was me being humorous (or at least in my own mind I was funny). And....quoting this to my Airmen or my kids never made them happy. However, there's a point made here and a real life application that weaves in and out of the fabric of all of our lives.
A drawing I did while stationed at 11th CES, Bolling AFB, Washington DC. I printed
some and gave them away as going away gifts. I'd write a personal message in the blank space. |
The application is obvious and you know it...flexibility is key. You have to be flexible. It's going with the flow of life. It's being in the present moment and enjoying it, and when something doesn't go our way, it's switching to "plan b," or going with the flow, knowing that life is change and thats alright. In negotiations its a give and take, and how can we come up with the best solution for everyones best interest. It's also adapting to the constant change in life. On earth, everything changes all the time; things break, storms wash out your picnic...our best made plans can often be made to change in an instant. If viewed in the proper perspective, that can be what keeps life interesting.
Being flexible is also being free of expectations. Expectations are tricky and can lead to a lot of disappointment. Ever hear yourself saying, (in a disappointed way), "is that too much to expect? Am I being unreasonable?" Your expectations may not be unreasonable, yet they may not always be met. If we're hanging on to the outcome we expected and we felt we deserved, it can be a tough time. So enjoy whatever life throws at you. That's about all we can do, right?
I also had another saying I liked to use that has a similar theme; "Do your best, Do what's right, and let the chips fall where they may." From spiritual aspect, I just need do the footwork and trust and have faith in my Higher Power/God, that all will work out for my highest good. When I do that, things always work out well - although not always the way I envisioned or even wanted them to. Conversely, when I try to impose my will on any situation, it always stresses me out and messes with my serenity.
In a physical sense, when we keep our bodies fit and flexible, everything flows better too and helps us to maintain balance and health. We do this thru nutrition, exercise and stretching.
All of this being said, I'm not saying that we have to be door mats or accept unacceptable behavior. What I am saying is it's a universal principle that can help us lead a happier and more peaceful life. I don't do it perfectly all the time, but I know when I'm able to be present and just flow with life, it's a sweet ride baby!
Have a sweet ride today. Enjoy the moment, even if you're in a long meeting or in traffic, or whatever you're doing. Act from a place of love and kindness with everyone. It'll be good.
Have a great weekend.
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