Friday, February 14, 2014

Prepping to Teach Intro to Chi Enegy

Hi All,

I haven't been blogging much lately because I've been building my holistic therapy business and preparing for a class I'm teaching on Sunday here in Phoenix.  The class is "A Practical Introduction to Chi Energy."  I know, I've blogged about it before, but I'm really excited.

It started around the idea of brushing your energy meridians to allow the Chi (life force energy), flow unrestricted throughout your body.  As I started thinking about curriculum and developing structured ideas for the class, that simple idea expanded into, what is Chi, how do we cultivate it in our bodies, info about the meridians, what is the Circadian clock?

All these ideas are interconnected and leads to more info and more questions...and more info.  As I write the blog today, I'm still tweaking the slides, researching and preparing.

Artwork for my Facebook invitation for the class

So what are ways in which we can cultivate and keep healthy Chi in our body?  Incorporating Healthy Diet, Exercise, Healthy Breathing, Good Posture, and Limiting Stress in our lives.  It sounds simple enough right?  In reality, it is.  There's simple things we can do in each area to make improvements.

We all have a pretty good idea of what a healthy diet or good posture is, as well as the other suggestions for developing/cultivating healthy Chi.  Traditional Chinese Medicine also has guidance on these topics as well.  For example, Tai Chi and Qi Gong are great exercises for people of all ages.  You can find simple and easy breathing exercises to practice.  We should strive to eat a nutrient dense diet, but if you're eating a burger, don't feel guilty, bless the food and enjoy every bite - and continue to pursue a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Five Elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine informational chart

I've learned so much recently while putting this class together and am excited to share that knowledge this coming Sunday, from 10am - 4:30.

The class will be held at:
Beyond Today Co.
11223 N. 28th Drive, Suite F101
Phoenix, AZ 85029

For more info, see my website -

Hope to see you there.  Have a great Valentines day - share love with everyone, not just a special person.



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