Thursday, February 20, 2014

Hypnotherapy and Weight Loss Group

Hi All,

Wow - time is flying.  It's been a very busy year so far.  It's been a very warm winter here in Phoenix too.  Sometimes I forget how severe the winter has been in most of the US here and in other parts of the world as well.  In any event, I hope you're having a good week.

I'm in my office preparing for a hypnosis group that I host on Thursday afternoons.  It's called the, Holistic Weight Management with Hypnosis, group.  I host it here at my Beyond Today Co. office in Phoenix, AZ.  So far we've been a small group, but big in spirit and desire to reach and maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle.

Here's how it works - we take an holistic approach to weight management.  What are some of the reasons you may overeat, or binge, or eat poorly?  Do you exercise - may want to look at what your doing, possibly increasing - or not.  Do you have a goal?

The group environment is a great support system - we lift each other up, share victories, what's working for us, etc.  I bring some ideas with me as well about holistic nutrition.  Tonight I'm discussing refined sugar, Almonds, and info about Vitamin D.

Did you know the total recommended consumption of refined sugar and high fructose corn syrup is less than 1 lb per month? 1 tsp = 4.2 gram.  453 grams = lb. 2-2liter sodas is equal to 1 lb of sugar.  Remember - so many processed foods are full of sugar and high fructose corn syrup as well.

In the group we do a couple other things as well.  We're going to work to reprogram the subconscious mind.  Each week, I'll lead a group hypnotherapy session.  We'll do this thru removing some of the obstacles that may be in the way of the members success.  We'll program the mind to desire healthy foods in portions that are adequate to maintain a healthy body, and to want to increase exercise, and reach your goals in a healthy way.

The hypnosis is a powerful tool for weight loss/behavior modification and it's a very safe and easy technique.  How many of us have struggled with this very issue?  I know I have and I'm taking the journey with my group.  As long as you have a desire to lose the extra pounds, you can do this and it will work.

Well - people are going to start showing up soon so I've got to go.  Stay happy and healthy out there.  Be kind to others - and - be kind to yourself.  Your worth it.  Until next time....



Learn more about Tom's Holistic practice at -

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