Monday, July 20, 2015

Having a little fun with The Donald

Hey All,

I hope your week is off to a good start.  Mine is pretty good so far.  Today was my day off and I met with a colleague, ran errands, and made a big crock pot of chilli.  (I know...chilli in the middle of the Arizona summer??).  Anyhow - it turned out delicious and was a good day.

Anyone who's watched the news lately has probably heard that Donald Trump is running for President of the United States.  At least most people in the USA know about this and most of you overseas are most likely familiar with who he is.  So I thought I'd share a fun piece of artwork that I created during the last Presidential election.  Back then Trump was talking about running, but in the end he didn't.

Back then, I thought I'd do a fun caricature illustration of Trump.  He's such a boisterous, loud and over the top character anyhow - he's naturally the first person you want to immortalize in a cartoon.  Of course, he's a business man and known for his hotels and lavish I was would he envision upgrades to the White House?  Perhaps a Trump Tower DC? 

Well - anyone who's watching election coverage, here in the US knows that he's said some controversial things.  I don't want to get into that here.  He's not my preference for President, but I know there are some folks who really like him.  That's one of the things about our country that I'm grateful for....the freedom to enjoy our opinions and the right to select our representatives.

Enjoy my small attempt to get into the head of Donald Trump.  It's certainly going to be an interesting campaign season...good luck with that my fellow Americans.

Have a great week hard and have some fun too.



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