Thursday, February 24, 2011

Papp Media Logo

Hi All,

This past fall I attended PocCamp AZ - a weekend long seminar on using social media, creating it, etc - to help your creative business.  While there I met Becky Papp (professional name B.K. Papp), a local freelance writer.  Recently, she contacted me to do a couple logos for her business.  She'd been finding success as a freelance writer, but has been dabbling with podcast interviewing and has found she has a real talent for it.  So we set out to work on some branding imagery to help promote her growing media business.

First - the usual steps, I did some research - check her web site, see what she does, get some info from her about what she does, what she's about, etc.  Then I sat down with pencil and paper - did some pencil sketches for both logos (writing and podcast sides of the house).

When I thought I had some good ideas, we met to talk them over.  She took the comps and mulled them over.  When we spoke again about the logos, she'd decided on going with one logo and had some ideas to combine major elements of one of the writing logos with elements of the broadcast side.  We worked out the kinks and pressed forward with a B.K. Papp Media logo.

B & W version of the BK Papp Media logo
The logo's base image is a stylized fountain pen nib, with a custom scrolled "P" engraved on it.  The lines coming out from the central image are sound waves.  The sound waves represent the sound that fills the air waves from BK Papp's podcast interviews.  Thus - the major elements of Papp Media were being developed into a logo.  I completed the finished artwork by rendering it in Adobe Illustrator.  First, I created the black and white version, suitable for electronic media and print media alike.  Then I created the color version - perfect for use on-line and in color promotional print materials.

Color Version of BK Papp logo

The logo is up on the web already at  I'd encourage you to check her site. Becky is a terrific writer who really has a knack for interviewing (really does a great job on the podcasts).  
So, if you're looking to update an old logo or looking for some fresh re-branding - give me a call.....I'd love to help.

Until next time....have a great one.    

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