Monday, February 24, 2014

Mindfulness - Meditation Wherever You Are

Hi All,

I hope your week is off to a great start.  Mine is starting well.  I'm meeting with a Scottsdale business owner who may be a source of some extra therapy work for me.  We did have a pretty nice relaxing weekend, too.  Life is good and today is going to be a great day.

I had an interesting experience recently.  As I've written about, I have a regular meditation practice and I also teach/facilitate a weekly meditation group that I started at work.  I got a FB message from a friend of mine in Southern Cal about a week ago, telling me how she just read an article in Time magazine about Mindfulness.  She was nice enough to send it to me.

Let go of the mindful.

The article talks about how in our society today, we're under constant attack from distractions.  Most people are stressed, have a phone or pad on them all the time and many are answering calls and emails for work, just about 24 hours a day...even when they're on vacation.  We attempt to multitask (really just having several projects going and getting a little of them done at a time)...TV, Radio, and and the list goes on.  We live in a fast paced world with a lot coming at us all the time which keeps us from mindful serenity.

The article also discusses what mindfulness is and talks about some studies being done and some people that are teaching mindfulness at retreats, corporations, and even to the military.  Studies have shown that being mindful can have an impact on a persons health -- helping them to stay healthy.  No big surprise there, right?

So what is mindfulness or being mindful?  First of all, it's being in the present moment - mentally.  Not thinking about what's going on later or what happened 10 minutes ago or anytime in the past.  It's being completely engaged in whatever you're doing, without judgement.  Drinking in the experience of whatever you're doing without any TV or music - just being present and observing.  For example, people in the article talked about commuting on the train and just observing the other passengers and surroundings fully.  You could take a walk or do the dishes, and just completely be - quietly - while doing this activity.  Of course you can meditate by relaxing and being mindful as well - just relaxing, observing, being present, and the part I like to add - doing this while having love and gratitude in my heart.

This may seem very basic or even goofy or hokey to some people.  I get that.  But, how many people out there can't relax for 10 or 15 minutes, without getting overrun in their mind by obsessive thoughts about some situation in their life, work to do, etc, etc etc...

So what can we do?  Start practicing every day.  Take time to put the phone down and turn everything off.  Train the mind to just be present, quiet, and observe life without judgement.  Quieting the mind like this is like working a muscle; the more you work it, the more positive results you'll see.  Do this while relaxing with eyes closed and also try it (eyes open), while at work or walking or doing another activity.  You can make just about anything a meditation.  If you feel it would be helpful, take a meditation class or meet up with a meditation group like mine.

As I mentioned, there have been quite a few studies on this by universities and also some funded by the NIH.   Results have shown that practicing mindfulness is a great aid in preventing and helping to release
. depression and anxiety.  It reduces stress dramatically - and we all know stress can cause lots of harm to our bodies, minds, and health.  Basically it can be a great way of keeping things in balance.

So here's my challenge to you.  If you are like most people, and have some stress in your life, for the next 30 days, try to take a little time every day and practice mindfulness.  Even if you can't find time to close your eyes and meditate, put this into practice at work or commuting; where ever you are.  See if it doesn't help.  If it doesn't help - you've really lost nothing.  My guess is you may find yourself a little more up-beat, perhaps even having a little more energy or a little more relaxed.  See for yourself.

I hope you all have a great week.  Enjoy the challenge.



I'm owner of Holistic Therapy Solutions in Phoenix, Arizona.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Hypnotherapy and Weight Loss Group

Hi All,

Wow - time is flying.  It's been a very busy year so far.  It's been a very warm winter here in Phoenix too.  Sometimes I forget how severe the winter has been in most of the US here and in other parts of the world as well.  In any event, I hope you're having a good week.

I'm in my office preparing for a hypnosis group that I host on Thursday afternoons.  It's called the, Holistic Weight Management with Hypnosis, group.  I host it here at my Beyond Today Co. office in Phoenix, AZ.  So far we've been a small group, but big in spirit and desire to reach and maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle.

Here's how it works - we take an holistic approach to weight management.  What are some of the reasons you may overeat, or binge, or eat poorly?  Do you exercise - may want to look at what your doing, possibly increasing - or not.  Do you have a goal?

The group environment is a great support system - we lift each other up, share victories, what's working for us, etc.  I bring some ideas with me as well about holistic nutrition.  Tonight I'm discussing refined sugar, Almonds, and info about Vitamin D.

Did you know the total recommended consumption of refined sugar and high fructose corn syrup is less than 1 lb per month? 1 tsp = 4.2 gram.  453 grams = lb. 2-2liter sodas is equal to 1 lb of sugar.  Remember - so many processed foods are full of sugar and high fructose corn syrup as well.

In the group we do a couple other things as well.  We're going to work to reprogram the subconscious mind.  Each week, I'll lead a group hypnotherapy session.  We'll do this thru removing some of the obstacles that may be in the way of the members success.  We'll program the mind to desire healthy foods in portions that are adequate to maintain a healthy body, and to want to increase exercise, and reach your goals in a healthy way.

The hypnosis is a powerful tool for weight loss/behavior modification and it's a very safe and easy technique.  How many of us have struggled with this very issue?  I know I have and I'm taking the journey with my group.  As long as you have a desire to lose the extra pounds, you can do this and it will work.

Well - people are going to start showing up soon so I've got to go.  Stay happy and healthy out there.  Be kind to others - and - be kind to yourself.  Your worth it.  Until next time....



Learn more about Tom's Holistic practice at -

Friday, February 14, 2014

Prepping to Teach Intro to Chi Enegy

Hi All,

I haven't been blogging much lately because I've been building my holistic therapy business and preparing for a class I'm teaching on Sunday here in Phoenix.  The class is "A Practical Introduction to Chi Energy."  I know, I've blogged about it before, but I'm really excited.

It started around the idea of brushing your energy meridians to allow the Chi (life force energy), flow unrestricted throughout your body.  As I started thinking about curriculum and developing structured ideas for the class, that simple idea expanded into, what is Chi, how do we cultivate it in our bodies, info about the meridians, what is the Circadian clock?

All these ideas are interconnected and leads to more info and more questions...and more info.  As I write the blog today, I'm still tweaking the slides, researching and preparing.

Artwork for my Facebook invitation for the class

So what are ways in which we can cultivate and keep healthy Chi in our body?  Incorporating Healthy Diet, Exercise, Healthy Breathing, Good Posture, and Limiting Stress in our lives.  It sounds simple enough right?  In reality, it is.  There's simple things we can do in each area to make improvements.

We all have a pretty good idea of what a healthy diet or good posture is, as well as the other suggestions for developing/cultivating healthy Chi.  Traditional Chinese Medicine also has guidance on these topics as well.  For example, Tai Chi and Qi Gong are great exercises for people of all ages.  You can find simple and easy breathing exercises to practice.  We should strive to eat a nutrient dense diet, but if you're eating a burger, don't feel guilty, bless the food and enjoy every bite - and continue to pursue a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Five Elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine informational chart

I've learned so much recently while putting this class together and am excited to share that knowledge this coming Sunday, from 10am - 4:30.

The class will be held at:
Beyond Today Co.
11223 N. 28th Drive, Suite F101
Phoenix, AZ 85029

For more info, see my website -

Hope to see you there.  Have a great Valentines day - share love with everyone, not just a special person.



Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Social Media Advertising Artwork

Hi Everyone,

How's your week going?  Things are going good here.  I'm keeping busy.  In fact, I spent a good deal of the day today working on promoting my Massage/Holistic Therapy Business.

In my business, Holistic Therapy Solutions, I provide therapeutic massage, reflexology, energy work and hypnotherapy.  However, another aspect of the biz are that I have a couple of groups that meet every week (meditation and Weight Loss with Hypnotherapy), and I teach some therapy classes.

One of the benefits of being an artist is I can not only write my own curriculum, but I can do my own artwork for classes and advertising.  Lately I've been having fun doing some illustrations to accompany some of the social media promotions for these groups and classes.

Artwork for the "Holistic Weight Management with Hypnotherapy" group advertising.
Produced with Photoshop and Wacom tablet over a photo.

I've been having some fun putting some (hopefully), eye catching graphics together.  At the same time, I'm really trying to practice time management and not spend a great deal of time on them either.  So I'm going into Photoshop and putting some illustrations together.

This morning I put a piece of artwork together for my meditation group.  I figure, it'll do better with a visual, than with none.  Either way, I had a good time putting it together and if it provides dividends, that's great.

Artwork for the "Midweek Re-Set Meditation Group" advertising.
Produced with Photoshop and Wacom tablet over a photo.

It's good fun.  I'm not putting together anything too intensive, but I'm working to put together something that's appropriate to help provide balance between the artwork and the text ad, and to brand the groups/classes.

Artwork for upcoming "Introduction to Chi Energy" class advertising.
Collage art assembled and illustrated with Photoshop and Wacom tablet.

So, I hope you're having some fun in whatever you're doing for work.  It's been alot of fun creating these.  Enjoy your week.  Do something nice for someone else - just because you can.  Be easy on others - and be good to yourself too.

