Thursday, August 28, 2014

Having Difficulties on the Scale?

Hi All,

Hope you're all doing great out there.  Summer is winding down.  I hope it was a good one for you.  Personally, I'm still enjoying the warm Phoenix weather, but I'm ready for a little cooler weather too.

Today I would like to talk about releasing the extra weight some of us carry around.  Of course we know that you need to eat less, and move the body more and you will probably drop the pounds, right? But there's a little more to it for most of us and maybe a more holistic or complete approach is what we need.

flier for Holistic Weight Management with Hypnotherapy Group

Sometimes the change is not quite so simple.  If it was, none of us would be overweight.  One thing we need is to bring a desire to change.  Do you want to be healthy and fit?  Do you drop the extra pounds that do not serve you?  Well, if you have desire and some dedication, you can do it.

We need to change our relationship to food.   Hypnotherapy can be a big help with that.  We can change our view of food and beliefs about it.  We love food and desire to eat healthy food in the amounts we need to power this body....thru hypno, we can internalize this.  We train ourselves to desire good food in the right quantities.

We also want to change our view of ourselves.  We are all beautiful, in a beautiful, wonderful amazing body, but sometimes we don't believe it or know it.  We want to take care of this wondrous vessel.  We can train ourselves to enjoy feeding it good food and exercising it.  We can eat in moderation if we want.  We can exercise it more also - either way, we learn to and train ourselves, easily and gently, to care for our body and love our body.

All of this is fine - but if we don't remove the blocks to this, we won't really make meaningful change.  So we address the reasons why we eat the way we do; the emotional eating, insecurities, etc.  We need to get to the bottom of this and release those old emotional blocks that keep us trapped in the old habits and patterns...and we can do that.

Of course - in the group we continue to learn a little about holistic nutrition each week and support each other and share tips and foods that are working well in our personal journeys.

I got up early this morning and wrote a new hypnosis script that I will share tonight with the group.  It follows these themes.  I also provide a self hypnosis CD to attendees.  It's good for reinforcing the changes between group meetings.  I'll be recording the new script as well.

If you're in the Phoenix area - come by and join us tonight at 5:30 or on another Thursday soon.  I also work with people one on one, if a group isn't your preference.

Have a great day out there.  Enjoy those bodies - eat well, think well, and move it too.



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