Wednesday, August 14, 2013

A little bit about Cranial Sacral

Hey All,

How's it going?  We made it to hump day...Wednesday.  So today I want to talk about a modality near and dear to my heart...Cranial Sacral Therapy.  I love Cranial Sacral!  I really enjoy doing it - it's so slow sometimes it's like watching paint dry, but it's challenging and rewarding as well.

So what is it?  It's an energetic therapy. It comes out of the Osteopathic medicine tradition.  John Upledger, D.O., really brought it to where it is in this country today.  He came across it unintentionally and developed the modality, also conducting research on it, to prove it works.  Much of the research he did was at Michigan State University.

So - I digress a little...what is it?  In Cranial Sacral Therapy (or Cranial), we work with the cerebrospinal system.  The spinal fluid flows up and down around the spine and brain, into the ventricles of the brain and out.  It's enclosed by 3 layers of meninges - they keep the fluid from leaking (almost like a rubber bladder).  Also, we work with connective tissue (fascia), the bones of the cranium, and some other structural and energy work on the body.

As the cerebrospinal fluid pulses up and down the spine, around the brain and in and out of the ventricles of the brain, it gives off a and out.  With a little training and practice, you can feel/observe the cranial wave.  The very act of observing this wave can be very profound and help the client heal.  Like the tests many years ago, when scientists were shooting x-rays under controlled conditions to look at the patterns.  What they found out (by accident), was that the patterns were different when someone observed vs. when nobody observed.  And...when you change the energy...things change, and can heal.

There's much more to it, though.  Everything in the body is surrounded by connective tissue called fascia.  Over time, the fascia (super thin and strong), can "wind" up and create tension patterns or holding patterns.  Many times these holding patterns are a result of some trauma.  We can release the fascia guessed it - a fascial release technique.  A very light touch - taking the fascia where it will go.  You move it, release it.

I haven't even gotten to the cranium and working with the bones.  But - I've got to go.  I have a reflexology client coming soon.

Gotta go - take care and have a great day everyone.



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