Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Reiki - Healing Energy Work

Hi All,

Hope your week is starting out right.  It's a nice cloudy and a little bit rainy day here in Phoenix.  We always can use the rain.

Today I'd like to discuss one of the energy work modalities that I practice/provide to clients...Reiki.  Some things Reiki is and isn't.  Reiki is Universal Energy - a very high vibration of energy.  Everything is energy.  For example: Reiki or maybe a bright light would be on a high vibrational frequency.  A rock or table top would be a very dense low vibration.

Reiki is not part of any religion or religious affiliation.  It's available anytime, anywhere.  It's universal energy and it's all around us.  It's like Ki or Chi energy common to the martial arts.  I've seen some martial artists do amazing feats using Ki.  Frank, (one of my Sensei), used to have up to 8 black belts punch him simultaneously and not leave a mark.  My friend Jim bench presses over 500 lbs - because he can harness his Chi.  Reiki is an energy modality where, like the two martial artists I mentioned, you learn to focus the Ki energy.  One difference is it's used as a healing modality.

A portrait I recently created of Mikao Usui, the person who
discovered Reiki as we know it.
What does a typical Reiki session look like?  For me, I usually have the client recline on the massage table.  I'll have them relax, take a few deep breaths and let go of all stress...let the stress melt away.  Usually, I'll scan the body with my hands, feeling their energy from about 6 inches above the body.  When scanning, I'll feel certain areas that need attention, and I'll focus more time and energy there.  Since every client is different, and there are so many variables, each session is unique and different.  Sometimes I lay hands directly on the body, sometimes I'll have my hands above the body.  Even though I may focus on a specific part of the body or work all over - Reiki is smart energy.  It goes were it's needed and does what it needs to do.  A typical session can last around 45 to 50 minutes.

Reiki - 11x14, Artist: Me.  The Japanese characters the spell Reiki.
What is Reiki used for?  What's it good for?  It is used for a variety of reasons.  I gave a Reiki session to a woman with stage 4 cancer once.  What did she get from the treatment?  She got pain relief.  She felt good when leaving and was relaxed.  She felt pretty good for a few days following.  For her that was a remarkable gift.  There have been instances where people have had remarkable healing from Reiki, but I cannot guarantee that.  A person will always get what they need from a session - whether it's physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual.  As I said, it's smart energy.

Cho Ku Rei, 11x 17.  Artwork produced by myself.
Cho Ku Rei is a Reiki symbol used in the healing art.
As an holistic practitioner, I will frequently combine Reiki with a massage or reflexology session.  It goes very well with a guided meditation or hypnotherapy session.  It's a multipurpose modality and is complementary with other holistic disciplines.

Of course, there's much more we could discuss on the topic, like the Reiki symbols, training, and other specifics.  Today, I wanted to give an overview of Reiki, what it is, and what it can be used for.

If you'd like to know more you can find more on the web.  In previous posts I've given my web site, Facebook site, and contact info.  You can contact me with questions or call to schedule an appointment.

I'm now in a permanent business location.  I'm at the Beyond Today Center on 28th Drive in Phoenix.  Go to my web site for the details.  www.HolisticTherapySolutions.weebly.com

Have a great week all.  Peace.

Note - the artwork in this blog post is my own.  Prints are available for purchase.

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