Thursday, August 29, 2013

Oil Pulling....No, I'm not pulling your leg

Hi All,

There's this "new" thing I'm hearing a lot about lately that I want to discuss today.  It's called oil pulling.  First, I'm going to preface this by saying - I'm serious and not joking around...really.  It's very simple and here's what you do.  Take about a tablespoon of vegetable oil in your mouth and swish it around for 15 to 20 minutes.  When you're done spit it out in the garbage can (not your sink). That's it, and it's supposed to be a remarkably healthy thing for you to do.

I can hear your reaction....What the H#$@ did you say?? Why?

Let me break this down a little.  Oil pulling is a relatively new thing here in the US, but it dates back thousands of years in the Ayurvedic medicine tradition.

What is this supposed to do for me, you ask?  Oil pulling is supposed to give you much better dental hygiene.  Fresh breath, whiter teeth, but it also is supposed to remove toxins in the mouth and body (through the tissues in the mouth).  It'll remove bacteria that's harmful as well.  Some of the claims I've been reading say that it can help with allergies, chronic pain, fatigue, and other things as well.

I believe the more traditional oil people use is Sesame oil and many people use Coconut oil as well.  I tried oil pulling yesterday for the first time.  I took some coconut oil in my mouth and swished it around while showering and getting ready for the day.  It was a little weird, for sure.  Afterwards I felt pretty good and my mouth felt good.

I've read about some people that have had some really noticeable results came after practicing this for about a month.  One noticed a chronic skin condition had cleared, as well as some chronic pain was greatly lessened.  As with any type of therapy or regimen, trying it one time doesn't always produce amazing results.  So I may give this a try for a month and see if I get any noticeable results.  I'm gratefully, pretty healthy, but we'll see what happens.

So give oil pulling a try and see how it goes.  Let me know what you think.

So have a great week everyone.  Take care of yourself and we'll see you soon.



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