Thursday, September 5, 2013

New Office at Beyond Today Co.

Hi All,

As most of you know, I'm an artist and designer and have been for many years.  I'm also a holistic healthcare practitioner.  I've been doing massage and other therapies for a while now after I graduated from the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts with an Associates Degree in Holistic Healthcare.

Recently, my friend and colleague, Susan Webber, introduced me to the folks at Beyond Today Co (BT).  BT is a business run by Rod Lyman and Cleo Daily where Rod performs holistic therapies and massage, and they also hold classes and events regularly.  Susan and I were looking to use their classroom for the smoking cessation group we're putting together.  Well, one thing let to another - and I and Susan ended up renting a room to work out of.

A view of the Beyond Today Center near I-17 and Cactus Blvd in Phoenix

Beyond Today (BT), is a great place to work out of.  There's a number of therapists that provide a wide range of therapeutic body work, energy work, and intuitive services.  The atmosphere is nice and peaceful as well.

By the front reception area, there's a little store where you
can purchase a variety of essential oils or other products.

I'm working every Tuesday and Thursday at BT.  I'm also working some Wed and Sat - call or schedule thru schedulicity for an appointment.

My room on left, hallway on right

Very good energy here.  The place is clean and the room is nice size for doing therapy work.

The classroom.  It can hold over 70 people - and they've already filled
it for events.

There's a large classroom at BT as well.  Tonight Susan and I start our first Tobacco Freedom smoking cessation group.  It's a group for quitting tobacco that includes the use of hypnotherapy.  It's going to be awesome!!  Early next month Rod and I are going to teach a class together.  It'll be a Reflexology and Acupressure for the hands class.  He'll teach the Acupressure part and I'll do the Reflexology.  They're bringing in Yoga soon and they have a number of events and classes continually.

My room - massage table and therapy chair

So call or come by soon.  Book now for a massage, reflexology, or other body/mind/energy work.  See you soon.

Beyond Today from across the lake
For more information check out the website for:

Beyond Today

my therapy company: Holistic Therapy Solutions, LLC

Remember - I still do chair massage at your event or office, and out-calls (when requested).

Have a great day All.



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